Return Policy
15 Day Return Policy
Not Happy with the product received? We will take it back. You can return your items within 15 Days of receipt of the same.
Returns Process
Click a picture of the item and mail it to with subject as “Returns” or call us on our customer care number +91-9424489669 within 15 days of receipt of your item.
Mail us the product at:-
527, Shyam Nagar-main, Near Pooja School, Indore, Pin- 452010 (M.P.)
Please ensure that the product reaches us within 10 Days of your Returns Process Initiation.
Once the product is received, the company will inspect the same and initiate the refund of the amount including the Courier/Parcel Charges borne by you. Courier/Parcel Charges are refunded in the form Store Credits which can be redeemed towards your future purchases.
We will try to close the issue within a span of Maximum 7 Days from the receipt of the product.